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Yes, I have Bipolar II, and it is (mostly) well controlled. And anxiety, which is sometimes controlled. This blog is to document my successes and failures as I attempt to maintain a garden despite the above. Here's the pattern:

Spring: "Yea! I planted lots of vegetables that will grow big and yummy! I'm weeding! I'm watering!

Midsummer: I should weed. I should water. I should pick those before they're too big. (Insert anxiety here.)

Late summer: Weeds have eaten my garden, everything is overripe, and I let the stuff rot before I cooked/canned/froze it. I'm a terrible gardener. :( (Insert depression here.)

Despite my challenges, I manage to get a few good tomatoes, zucchini, and yes, pumpkins every year. Why do I torture myself like this? Because for me, this is profound therapy. Feeling earth in my hands, watching things sprout, digging, moving rock, and bathing in the early-morning sun nourish me. Nothing tastes better than a tomato, zucchini, or strawberry that grew despite all my bumbling attempts to kill it. If I can laugh through it, make others laugh, and inspire others, healthy or otherwise, to get out there and grow, then all the better.

Helpful: encouragement, support, shared stories of success or failure, and any and all gardening advice.

Not helpful: medication advice (I have great medical support); "try this great herbal stuff!" (I have a wonderful naturopathic doctor); or "quit complaining and just get over it!" (Believe me, I would if I could.)

Happy reading!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Four hours desiging a new blog? Really?

So here it is.

I guess I'll start with the where the garden is today, one week after ideal planting time. My garden currently has: beautiful micro greens, tiny cabbages, little spinaches, little "market greens" lettuces (fancy salad greens, I think), tall, healthy garlic that I planted last fall, sweet peas that are yellowing, tall, and seem to need Something, mystery food growing out of the compost pile (cucumbers, we think), gorgeous blooming strawberries, and the ubiquitous apple mint.

Herbs and flowers that are thriving: the yarrow and poppies look grand, the California poppies reseeded themselves joyfully, and the echinacea has a stately beginning (it is the royal beauty of my herb garden.) Last year I managed to cut and dry the herbs, but never got around to crumbling them into a jar, so they fell like little confetti all over the garage and we didn't have the benefit of their medicines all winter. Maybe this year?

One extra row got turned over when I felt motivated this morning (where the beets never sprouted), and the rest of the garden is getting covered with bindweed that needs to be pulled, then turned over (the bed, not the bindweed.)

This afternoon I'm headed out to see what's left at the greenhouse. This year's plan: fewer than last year. Lots of tomatoes (hubby's favorite, so he takes good care of them); green beans, carrots, zucchini, winter squash, and of course--pumpkins! I'm also adding chamomile and lemon balm to the herb garden.

I'll start adding photos soon.


  1. Congrats on the new blog! And if it makes you feel any better, no matter what happens with your garden it will be more successful than mine. I have a serious black thumb. I don't even try anymore! I just wait for the farmers market. :)

    Good luck!!

  2. Farmer's Markets rock! I like to get stuff there that I've never heard of. Ever try totsoi? It's a spicy little Japanese greens that I discovered through a local farmer. :.)
